Tire Scrap

Image of Tire Scrap
Common Name
Used Tire Scrap, Waste Tire Scrap
HS Code
TDM 2-A - TDM 12-C

Tire Scrap can derive from a variety of vehicles ranging from cars to heavy vehicles such as trucks. The tire becomes a scrap when it is no longer usable due to wear or irreparable damage. It will be dumped in a stockpile waiting to be processed or recycled in a landfill, although it can bring potential risks to the environment if it's managed improperly.

The tire materials consist of natural rubber, synthetic rubber, polyester fibers, steel wire, carbon black, and other chemical compounds. The used tire can be separated, sorted, and recycled for other uses.


  • Whole/Complete Tires
  • One Cut
  • Slitted
  • Chipped
  • Pressed Baled
  • Multiple Cut
  • Shredded
  • Granules

  • Used as a fuel in cement, pulp and paper, electric utilities, and institutional boilers industries.
  • Used in civil engineering for constructing embankments, backfill for walls and bridge abutments, subgrade insulation for roads, landfills, septic system drain fields, and other construction applications.
  • Used for ground rubber application includes asphalt rubber, animal bedding, and synthetic sports field underlays.
  • Used in the manufacture of concrete, fiberglass, stucco, caret, and cleanup materials.

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